Are you struggling to pay your bills and is racking up debt? Not sure what to do, well the first thing to do is take action, don’t put your head in the sand and hope it all goes away. The sooner you start the better the outcome. ALL IS NOT LOST!!!

What kind of debt is included in our Debt Recovery Program ?

Our Debt Recovery Program is a call to arms for you to take control of your life once more.  Our aim is to remove the crushing burden of stress brought about from spiraling debt.  If you have the following unsecured debt:

  1. Credit card debt
  2. Personal Loans
  3. Tax Debt
  4. Other debt

Get your debt under control without damaging your credit rating any further.

What does our Debt Recovery Program actually do?

Our team at XO Accounting will initially undertake a FREE analyse of your personal circumstances and determine the best course of action.  We are there to protect your rights and we use the laws the banks and credit providers never tell you about.

Our aim is to eliminate your debt as much as possible in a number of ways:

  1. Reduce your overall debt by having the debt forgiven
  2. Structure a sustainable repayment plan to pay any remaining balance
  3. Stop the crippling interest being applied

How much does our Debt Recovery Program cost?

The cost varies depending on the type of debt:

Unsecured debt                  17.60% of the debt we successfully have written down (Capped at $17,600)

Tax Debt

Payment plan Under $100K       $330

Payment plan over $100K           $660

*  All prices include GST

** Fee funding payment plans available for most fees

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