Small talk. Stroking up conversations with strangers. Networking. Feeling uncomfortable yet?
For some people, the simple word of “networking” can be enough to induce some feeling of anxiety. However, it is key if you ever wish to grow your business.
Here are some quotes to give you a better grasp on networking and overcoming your fear:
Fear #1: I’ll Run out of Things to Say.
“The mark of a good conversationalist is not that you can talk a lot. The mark is that you can get others to talk a lot. Thus, good schmoozers are good listeners, not good talkers.” –Guy Kawasaki
A big misconception of networking is that the end goal is to sell. If you you put that kind of pressure on yourself, it is understandable why some may feel nervous at the mere mention of networking. If you just show a genuine interest in the other person, you’ve won half the battle. Therefore, show off your listening skills and build others up. You just may leave with some new friends.
Fear #2: I’m Introverted and People Drain Me.
“If your business comes from relationships, relationships should be your business.” – Doug Ales
Unfortunately, nearly all business is heavily reliant on connecting with people. 95% of people say face to face meetings are highly necessary if you want to establish any long term business relationships.
This doesn’t mean you have to be surrounded by people 24/7. But it does mean you’ll need to put yourself out there a little more.
Fear #3: I’ll Say Something Dumb.
“If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.” – Robert Kiyosaki
Networking isn’t about having all the answers. You’re there to discover and explore new possibilities. It’s likely, most people in the room have the same questions as you. Allow someone else to be the authority, rather than trying to be the expert and causing yourself unnecessary stress.
When you’re networking focus less on having all the answers and instead focus on just exploring new possibilities. It is highly likely most people in the room have the same questions you do.
Fear #4: I Don’t Want to Come Across as Selfish.
“The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity.” – Keith Ferrazzi
Instead of using networking as a self promotion campaign think about what you have to offer. There is someone in the room who can benefit from the product, service or solution you can provide.
Fear #5: I’ll Get Bored.
“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” – Michele Jennae
Good news. Networking isn’t all about starting up small talk. At a good networking even, the overall focus should be on connecting yourself with new ideas.
Networking doesn’t have to be scary. By changing the way you perceive networking, you can change the way you approach it to embrace your inner networking champion.
Overall, network doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be seen as scary. If you alter the way you perceive networking as a whole, you can change the way you approach it. Embrace the networking champion within you!