Brad Golchin CPA, Director of XO Accounting believes that building strong relationships with his clients is the key to offering an unrivalled service. That’s what sets him apart from other accountants, he looks beyond the numbers – only by understanding his clients’ aims and objectives can he deliver the highest level of individual client care.

Brad is a welcoming and friendly guy who can quickly get down to business and is sure and confident in what he is doing. He should be – with 15 years of experience in running his own companies, plus finding time to complete a Post Graduate Diploma in Business and a Masters in Taxation, author a book on Social Media Marketing and a full background in teaching and IT, there is little of a business nature that Brad can’t handle!As a self-confessed IT ‘geek’ Brad knows online processing is the way to go, particularly with the new accounting software and the move to online taxation services, he is well up with the play on the cutting edge of computer technology – he carries his clients with him and saves them time and money in the process. The reluctant and hesitant approach is not for him– he is proactive, intent on finding new ways to do things and new opportunities.

Brad’s company, XO Accounting, reflects its Director – easy, welcoming and with services designed to take the hassle out of accounting for both investment property and small business clients, by finding easy ways for them to take control of their own accounts. Brad uses the smart, secure and simple online accounting system called Xero and is proud of his ‘Xero Platinum Partner’ status.

Need some XO Accounting from your accountant?
Contact Brad Golchin today to find out how he can help you with your small business or rental property accounting
Call Free on: 1800 106 141

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Auckland | Pukekohe